Feb 26, 2010

It came the TIGERS...

Rooooooaaaaarrrrroyal Rangers !!!! How was your holidays and Chinese New Year celebration and may i add, valentines day? I hope it was all good and you all managed to spend some quality time with your loved ones and family members. Someone once asked, if he has to choose between spending time with your family members during Chinese New Year and spending time with your girlfriend on Valentines day, which falls on the 1st day of Chinese New Year, which will he choose? I posed this question to you. Which will you choose? I now most heart will go for the latter but do remember, family always comes first before your relationship. Afterall, isn't every day supposed to be a Valentines day? Why limit it to only 1 day? Oh.. oh... I now have to buy flowers everyday for my wife..

ok..ok.. back to Roooaaaroyal Rangers Chinese New Year Party... Excitement was in the air as the sea of red flooded our Grace Fellowship Hall decorated with red packets to add to the festivity mood. Every year, the rangers are encourage to wear red for our CNY party.

Of course, they will be rewarded with ehem..ehem.. red packet of course if they do come in RED, any type of red, even if you are promoting a seafood restaurant RED, we will still give you red packet. After all, it is the season of giving.

Apart from wearing red, all rangers are also encourage to make a lantern using only red packets. Here's some of their collection...

The party will not be fun without some games, right? Why not try out 1,2 jus to win the most red packets from your fellow rangers.

Then, come our patrol competition, to build a national monument/landmark using only red packet. Guess what they come out with?

This is our very own future Malaysian Statue of Liberty... =)

The party will never be complete without a time for devotion, right? Here's Pastor Mike sharing the good news to the rangers.

We had birthday celebration for leader Dexter and Agnes, while we bid goodbye to Lt. Cmdr. Leong Su Ling who has left to Australia to play with the sands.. opps, i meant to further her studies.

In the end, we had leaders distributing mandarin oranges and red packet to all rangers, wishing them a very good holiday and Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Till we meet again...