Jul 15, 2009

Camporama 09 through the eyes of an Expedition Ranger

Camporama 2009 was an awesome event. I learnt a lot and enjoyed myself during these 4 days . It was a great experience for me and it gave me good memories. The theme for this year's camp was POSITIONED 2 SERVE. Truly, the camp made a change in me and I've been blessed by God during the night rallies. The praise and worship was really awesome. During worship service, I feltGod's presence upon me.
The first night, was city night. Those who were involved in the city night did a very great job. I really enjoyed the night . Thank God that the city night went successfully. During the duration of camp, I was also involved in the regatta competition. We were all dressed up as Australian convicts. Before the competition started, I felt quite nervous and I prayed to God that we will do our best as a team so the regatta will be carried out smoothly.
Eventhough we did not win the competition, but I was truly previleged that Commander David , had chosen me to be a part of the competition. All in all the camp was not only fun, but it was superbly wonderful. Hope to see u guys in the year 2013. It truly was really a great experience!!
By Caryn Lim